Haplo Prediction
predict haplogroups
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
haplo_cluster.c [code]Clusters a set of Y-STR samples
haplo_groups.c [code]Provides a mapping between haplo groups and their sequential ordering
haplo_groups.h [code]Provides a mapping between haplo groups and their sequential ordering
haplo_predict.c [code]Predicts a Y-STR haplotype label using a set of trained classifiers
haplo_test.c [code]Test the classification accuracy of haplotype labels from Y-STR data
haplo_train.c [code]Trains a set of Y-STR haplotype label classifiers
input.c [code]Read the a row-by-row collection of data samples from a file
input.h [code]Read the a row-by-row collection of data samples from a file
mv_gmm.c [code]Multivariate Gaussian mixture model classifier
mv_gmm.h [code]Multivariate Gaussian mixture model classifier
nb_freq.c [code]Naive Bayes non-parametric marker frequency classifier
nb_freq.h [code]Naive Bayes non-parametric marker frequency classifier
nb_gauss.c [code]Naive Bayes Gaussian classifier
nb_gauss.h [code]Naive Bayes Gaussian classifier
nb_gmm.c [code]Naive Bayes Gaussian mixture model classifier
nb_gmm.h [code]Naive Bayes Gaussian mixture model classifier
options.c [code]Options used for all haplo programs
options.h [code]Options used for all haplo programs
output.c [code]Output related functions
output.h [code]Output related functions
svm_tree.c [code]Support vector machine model classifier
svm_tree.h [code]Support vector machine model classifier
weka.c [code]Definitions for a Weka J48 and PART classifiers
weka.h [code]Weka J48 and PART classifiers
xml.h [code]Wrapper functions and macros for the libxml2 interface