JWS C++ Library
C++ language utility library
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
jwsc++_config.cpp.in [code]Program to print information about the configuration for libjwsc++
jwsc++/base/cloneable.h [code]Abstract class to clone this object
jwsc++/base/exception.cpp [code]Base and common derived exceptions for the jwsc++ library
jwsc++/base/exception.h [code]Base and common derived exceptions for the jwsc++ library
jwsc++/base/option.cpp [code]Provides program option support via the command-line or an options file
jwsc++/base/option.h [code]Provides program option support via the command-line or an options file
jwsc++/base/readable.cpp [code]Abstract class to read this object from an input stream
jwsc++/base/readable.h [code]Abstract class to read this object from an input stream
jwsc++/base/writeable.cpp [code]Abstract class to write this object to an output stream
jwsc++/base/writeable.h [code]Abstract class to write this object to an output stream
jwsc++/graphics/camera.cpp [code]Camera for 3D viewing in OpenGL
jwsc++/graphics/camera.h [code]Camera for 3D viewing in OpenGL
jwsc++/graphics/cuboid.cpp [code]Cuboid defined by a width, height and length
jwsc++/graphics/cuboid.h [code]Cuboid defined by a width, height and length
jwsc++/graphics/offscreen.cpp [code]Offscreen rendering buffer for X11 or Mac OS X
jwsc++/graphics/offscreen.h [code]Offscreen rendering buffer for X11 or Mac OS X
jwsc++/graphics/parapiped.cpp [code]Parallelepiped: a hexahedron of which each face is a parallelegram
jwsc++/graphics/parapiped.h [code]Parallelepiped: a hexahedron of which each face is a parallelegram
jwsc++/graphics/polygon.cpp [code]3D polygon with base position on the xy-plane centered at the origin
jwsc++/graphics/polygon.h [code]3D polygon with base position on the xy-plane centered at the origin
jwsc++/graphics/polymesh.h [code]Abstract class of connected polygons (faces) forming a mesh
jwsc++/graphics/renderable.h [code]Abstract class to render this object with the GL
jwsc++/graphics/transformable.h [code]Abstract class to apply a linear transformation to this object