JWS C++ Library
C++ language utility library
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
jwscxx::base::Arg_errorArgument error exception
jwscxx::graphics::Camera_dCamera for 3D viewing in OpenGL
jwscxx::graphics::Camera_fCamera for 3D viewing in OpenGL
jwscxx::base::CloneableAbstract class to clone this object
jwscxx::graphics::Cuboid_dCuboid defined by a width, height and length at the origin or a specified postion
jwscxx::graphics::Cuboid_fCuboid defined by a width, height and length at the origin or a specified postion
jwscxx::base::ExceptionBase class of all exceptions in the jwsc++ library
jwscxx::base::IO_errorInput/Output error exception
jwscxx::graphics::Offscreen_bufferOffscreen rendering buffer
jwscxx::base::OptionBase program option
jwscxx::base::Option_no_argOption that does not take an argument
jwscxx::base::Option_with_argOption that takes an argument
jwscxx::base::OptionsCollection of Options for processing
jwscxx::graphics::Parapiped_dParallelepiped: a hexahedron of which each face is a parallelegram
jwscxx::graphics::Parapiped_fParallelepiped: a hexahedron of which each face is a parallelegram
jwscxx::graphics::Polygon_d3D polygon in double precision floating point
jwscxx::graphics::Polygon_f3D polygon in single precision floating point
jwscxx::graphics::Polymesh_dAbstract class of connected polygons (faces) forming a mesh
jwscxx::graphics::Polymesh_fAbstract class of connected polygons (faces) forming a mesh
jwscxx::base::ReadableAbstract class to read this object from an input stream
jwscxx::graphics::RenderableAbstract class to render this object with the GL
jwscxx::base::Result_errorResult error exception
jwscxx::graphics::Solid_renderableAbstract class to render this object with the GL as a solid
jwscxx::graphics::Stereo_camera_dStereo pair of cameras for 3D viewing in OpenGL
jwscxx::graphics::Stereo_camera_fStereo pair of cameras for 3D viewing in OpenGL
jwscxx::graphics::Transformable_dAbstract class to apply a linear transformation to this object
jwscxx::graphics::Transformable_fAbstract class to apply a linear transformation to this object
jwscxx::graphics::Wire_occlude_renderableAbstract class to render this object with the GL as an occluded wire-frame into the depth buffer, to hide unseen lines
jwscxx::graphics::Wire_renderableAbstract class to render this object with the GL as a wire-frame
jwscxx::base::WriteableAbstract class to write this object to an output stream