detect surface points in an image stack
Detects three-dimensional surface points in a stack of images that represent optical sections of an object. A 3-D viewer is provided to render detected surface points for visualization purposes.
Licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0.
Questions or comments? Contact Joseph Schlecht.
usage: surface OPTIONS [img-%d num_imgs | img-1 ... img-n] where OPTIONS is one or more of the following: -h, --help Prints program usage. -v, --version Prints program version. -n, --named Indicates that the images to read are fully named and listed in sequence on the command line. The default is to read the images as numbered by a printf-formatted name. -c, --colored-out=ARG Original images with surface colored. Use a printf formatted name to output the images in a numbered sequence. -m, --map-out=ARG Bi-level image surface map. Use a printf formatted name to output the images in a numbered sequence. -p, --pts-out=ARG ASCII formatted surface points. -b, --begin-thresh=ARG Hysterisis starting threshold. -e, --end-thresh=ARG Hysterisis stopping threshold. -s, --sigma=ARG Gaussian smoothing sigma. -r, --sample-rate=ARG Surface point sampling rate. -w, --grad-weight=ARG Weights for each direction of the gradient. Format for the argument is 'img,row,col'. They all must be non-negative and sum to > 0. -w, --resolution=ARG Down-sampling resolution for the input image stack. Format for the argument is 'img,row,col'. They all must be in (0,1].
usage: surface-viewer OPTIONS surface_points where OPTIONS is one or more of the following: -h, --help Program usage -v, --version Program version. --size=ARG Window size with format width,height. Default is 600,600. --glasses=ARG Type of colored glasses for anaglyph mode in the interactive window. Possible left-right filter types include include red-blue, red-green, red-cyan, blue-red, green-red, cyan-red. Default is cyan-red. --capture=ARG View capture name in the interactive mode. --surf-scale=ARG Number of world units per image pixel. Has format x,y,z. --sample-rate=ARG Surface point sampling rate. --patch-size=ARG Surface patch size. Must be > 0.