detect edges in an image
Identifies edges in an image using a gradient-based, Canny detection algorithm.
Licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0.
Questions or comments? Contact Joseph Schlecht.
usage: edges OPTIONS 'image' where OPTIONS is one or more of the following: -h, --help Prints program usage. -v, --version Prints program version. --random-color Color edges with random selected different colors. --color-out=ARG Original image with edges colored. --map-out=ARG Bi-level image edge map. --edges-in=ARG File to read ASCII formatted edge set from. --edges-out=ARG File to write ASCII formatted edge set to. --begin-mag-thresh=ARG Hysterisis starting gradient magnitude threshold. --end-mag-thresh=ARG Hysterisis stopping gradient magnitude threshold. --break-dp-thresh=ARG Gradient vector dot product threshold for breaking edges. --break-dp-num-avg=ARG Number of gradient vectors to average when computing the dot product threshold for breaking edges. --sigma=ARG Gaussian smoothing sigma. --sample-rate=ARG Edge point sampling rate. --min-len=ARG Minimum length of an edge. --seed=ARG Random seed.