3D Alternaria Generator
(using an L-system)

Computer vision group @ UA
In collaboration with B. Pryor

For questions or problems email
Kate Spriggs at taralove @ u.arizona.edu


This version works only with VRML v1. Please see bottom of form for more details.
There will be a fix soon.

You can hit enter while in any of the fields to submit form
Recursion level This is the number of steps to use to grow the fungus;
See example here
Example value: 18 (18-45 recommended)
Probability distribution of primary conidiophore spacing
Gamma distributed spacing in terms of number of cells:
Alpha: Beta (1/theta): Number of cells:
How many hyphae cells to create on vegetative hyphae before creating a primary conidiophore. Number of cells is gamma distributed. Gamma parameters examples.
Example values: Alpha: 1.0, Beta: 0.5, Cells: 7
Hyphae cell length
Gamma Distributed cell length:
Alpha: Beta (1/theta): Hyphae Length:
The length of each hyphae cell is drawn from a gamma distribution. The mean of the distribution is alpha/beta. Read more here.
Example values: Alpha: 3.0, Beta: 0.5, Length: 10
Probability distribution of generating first spore on primary conidiophore
Alpha: Beta (1/theta): Number of cells:
First spore on primary conidiophore How many hyphae cells (number is gamma distributed) to create before creating first spore on primary conidiophore.
Example values: Alpha: 1.0, Beta: 0.5, Length: 2
Probability of a sub-conidium conidiophore elongation
Spore and develop this elongation:Just spore and do not develop:
When developing this elongation, how long should each hyphae cell be (chosen from the following Gamma distribution):
Alpha: Beta (1/theta): Cell length:
sub-conidium development
Develop a sub-conidium elongation
no sub-conidium development
Do not develop, just spore
Example values: Develop: 0.3, Just Spore: 0.7
Probability of "after-sub-conidium" development
Continue to elongate:Skip a turn (wait):
Elongate after a sub-conidium development
Continue to elongate
Skip a turn after a sub-conidium development
Skip a turn (wait)
Spore after a sub-conidium development
Example values: Elongate: 0.1, Skip Turn: 0.1, Spore: 0.8
Probability of "after-spore" conidiophore developments
Just spore again:Skip a turn (wait):
Lateral intra-conidium conidiophore development:Apical conidium terminus conidiophore development:
Create another spore
Create another spore
Skip a turn after the spore
Skip a turn (wait)
Create a later-intra development
Lateral-intra development
Create an apical conidium terminus
Apical conidium terminus
Example values: Spore: 0.6, Wait: 0.0, Lateral: 0.1, Apical: 0.3
Lateral intra-conidium length
Alpha: Beta: Cell length:
Example values: Alpha: 1.0, Beta: 0.5, Length: 10.0
Apical conidium length
Alpha: Beta: Cell length:
Example values: Alpha: 1.0, Beta: 0.5, Length: 10.0
Probability of "after-apical" developments
Continue to elongate:Skip a turn (wait):
Elongate after an apical development
Continue to elongate
Skip a turn after an apical development
Skip a turn (wait)
Spore after an apical development
Example values: Elongate: 0.1, Skip Turn: 0.1, Spore: 0.8
Probability of "after-lateral intra" developments
Continue to elongate:Skip a turn (wait):
Elongate after a lateral-intra development
Continue to elongate
Skip a turn after a lateral-intra development
Skip a turn (wait)
Spore after a lateral-intra development
Example values: Elongate: 0.1, Skip Turn: 0.1, Spore: 0.8
Rotate about x
"#" of options:
RuleProbability (0 - 1.0)
Rotation about x in degrees, example::
Rule: +(10) Probability: 0.3
Rotate about y
"#" of options:
RuleProbability (0 - 1.0)
Rotate about y in degrees, example::
Rule: &(10) Probability: 0.3
Enable Color Check here to enable color
Color-coded fungus
Color-coded fungus (check)
Regularly colored fungus
Regular color (uncheck)
See explanation of the meaning of the colors here
Random Seed Change this to any number less than 65000 to get a different fungus from the same type;
Example: 272344 or 272349
VRML v1.0 or VRML v2.0 Check to output VRML v2.0 (You probably want this) You will only need VRML v1.0 if you are using vrweb on a Linux machine, or in the virtual reality display, or have the Cortona VRML v1 plug-in. Otherwise, use VRML v2.0.
Axiom The basic rule
Axiom 2 (a - rot around x)(d: rot around z)(s: straight)(p: spore)(r: branch)(recurse)

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