JWS C++ Library
C++ language utility library
JWS C++ Library Documentation

A collection of utility namespaces and classes for computer graphics and base program abstractions written in the C++ programming language. The library depends on libjwsc to represent and manipulate basic mathematical objects, such as vectors and matrices. The goal is to provide a high-level abstraction to data structures and facilitate developing sophisticated programs for scientific research through an intuitive C++ interface.

Licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0.

Questions or comments? Contact Joseph Schlecht.

Use 'jwsc++-config' to get build information about the library.

usage: jwsc++-config OPTIONS
where OPTION is one or more of the following:
 -h, --help         Program usage
 -v, --version      libjwsc++ version.
     --libs         External library dependencies.
     --cxxflags     CXXFLAGS value.
     --cppflags     CPPFLAGS value.
     --ldflags      LDFLAGS value.