detect edges in an image
Edges Documentation

Identifies edges in an image using a gradient-based, Canny detection algorithm.

Licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0.

Questions or comments? Contact Joseph Schlecht.

usage: edges OPTIONS 'image'
where OPTIONS is one or more of the following:
 -h, --help              Prints program usage.
 -v, --version           Prints program version.
     --random-color      Color edges with random selected different colors.
     --color-out=ARG     Original image with edges colored.
     --map-out=ARG       Bi-level image edge map.
     --edges-in=ARG      File to read ASCII formatted edge set from.
     --edges-out=ARG     File to write ASCII formatted edge set to.
                         Hysterisis starting gradient magnitude threshold.
                         Hysterisis stopping gradient magnitude threshold.
                         Gradient vector dot product threshold for breaking
                         Number of gradient vectors to average when
                         computing the dot product threshold for breaking
     --sigma=ARG         Gaussian smoothing sigma.
     --sample-rate=ARG   Edge point sampling rate.
     --min-len=ARG       Minimum length of an edge.
     --seed=ARG          Random seed.