[Work Log] Work Log

February 12, 2015

Implemented nonmaximal suppression, background subtraction.

Derived/implemented expression for cubic covariance function for negative time-points.

Tested/debugged branch parameter estimation. Implemented a visualization that revealed several issues during optimization. Found a bug in gradient, which improved performance. Also realized that adding a constant perturbation per stem allows much better fitting for touching/crossing curves. To implement this, I created a "hamming distance" covariance function, which adds a constant offset to each child. Also, increasing the value on the diagonal improves gradient estimates, making optimization converge faster.

Incorporated parent estimation into end-to-end fitting routine.


Post-tracking tasks:

General procedure for fitting:

  1. find a stem in 2D
  2. estimate a perturbation in 2D
  3. triangulate and fit in 3rd view (w/ epipolar constraint)
  4. attempt to infer parent
  5. accept/reject

Open issues

Posted by Kyle Simek
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