[Work Log] FIRE - notes: joint meeting

March 07, 2014

Q: how to align data?

David - align by first treatment

Emily - end point is also interesting - release point

Emily - Three most interesting time-syncs: line up at first, line up at last, line up since diagnosis

Rebecca - Surgery date? (diagnosis date could be a proxy for this)

Question for karen: if surgery, when did it happen?

David: what is being studied? adjustment to diagnonis, or adjustment to treatment?

Rebecca plots


This idea of ambivalence seems to be an interesting avenue of study. The main idea is having high "helpfulness" and high "upsetting" indicates an "ambivalent" relationship; there seems to be much variability between how these two variables covary, may cluster well.

Different dynamics of interest:

Experiment: can ambivalence (sri) model predict "health"?

Next steps

Investigae ambivalence as a two-dimensional model. 2D dynamical states-space model? Cluster on a few different state space models?

…but continue with exploratory. Remember to split up SRI dataset into two columns.

Miscellanous ——————— Might be interesting to fit a 5-dim first order auto-regressive model on the 5 datasets of interest, with iid observations.

Posted by Kyle Simek
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