[Work Log] Improved indexing; Retraining; Distinguishing between camera and plant motion

August 16, 2013
Project Tulips
Subproject Data Association v2
Working path projects/​tulips/​trunk/​src/​matlab/​data_association_2
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Improved Indexing (ctd)

Finished debugging changes to corr_to_likelihood.

Recap: since projected model curves are discretely sampled at coarse intervals, multiple observed points may correspond to the same model point. The results below show this. The projected model curve is sampled every 2 pixels (index_delta_2d), so each model point has between 2 and 3 corresponding data points.

old indexing results in aliasing

The new scheme post-processes the indexes by linearly interpolating the model curve and projecting the data point onto the neighboring line segments. Resulting indices are much improved:

new indexing scheme permits continuous (between-point) correspondences, which results in better indexing

Note that viewing angle distorts the correspondence angles somewhat. Non-perpendicular correspondence lines may be simply due to non-orthogonal viewing direction.

Since coarse sampling is no longer an issue, we can increase the 2D sample period and still get good results. Below is the result after increasing 2D sampling period from 2 to 5:

new indexing scheme permits continuous (between-point) correspondences, which results in better indexing

Improved training

This has implications on training results. Re-running training using exp_2013_08_11_train_all:

No Perturb Model

        smoothing_variance: 0.0030
            noise_variance: 1.0805
         position_variance: 1.6270e+04
             rate_variance: 0.2904
perturb_smoothing_variance: 1
     perturb_rate_variance: 1
 perturb_position_variance: 1
             perturb_scale: 2.5000

Final ML: -9.094636e+03

Ind-Perturb Model

        smoothing_variance: 0.0034
            noise_variance: 0.3472
         position_variance: 1.6458e+04
             rate_variance: 0.2605
perturb_smoothing_variance: 1.4186e-06
     perturb_rate_variance: 3.0555e-04
 perturb_position_variance: 0.5467
             perturb_scale: 2.5000

Final ML: -6.203953e+03

OU-Perturb Model

        smoothing_variance: 0.0035
            noise_variance: 0.3486
         position_variance: 1.6440e+04
             rate_variance: 0.2587
perturb_smoothing_variance: 1.4874e-06
     perturb_rate_variance: 3.6269e-04
 perturb_position_variance: 0.7241
             perturb_scale: 2.3364

Final ML: -6.156721e+03

SqExp-Perurb Model

        smoothing_variance: 0.0035
            noise_variance: 0.3479
         position_variance: 1.6246e+04
             rate_variance: 0.2745
perturb_smoothing_variance: 1.5495e-06
     perturb_rate_variance: 4.1614e-04
 perturb_position_variance: 0.6613
             perturb_scale: 0.9654

Final ML: -6.159716e+03

Awesome news: perturb smoothing variance is now non-negligible! There must have been so much IID noise resulting from bad indexing that it totally masked the perturb smoothing variance.

The totally validates our efforts to fix indexing. Before, the model was fundamentally broken; bad indexing was preventing us from making any correct inferences beyond a certain level of granularity. By fixing indexing, we're suddenly able to everything clearly, whereas before we were squinting through a noisy haze.

Other observations

Lets see if anything interesting comes out of our reconstructions...

OU-perturb Model

az = 24;
el = 16;
axis_ = [ 70.0000  110.0000   50.0000  110.0000   47.8040  224.0467 ]

exp_2013_08_11_reconstruct_for_web(test_Corrs_ll_2, retraining_results{3}, 3, axis_, el, az, num_views, '/Users/ksimek/src/research_blog/img/2013-08-16-ou-model-%d.png', '/ksimek/research/img/2013-08-16-ou-model-%d.png', 'ou-reconstruct-anim', true)

SqExp-Perturb Model

Removing camera-based motion

We can remove perturbations that arise from poor camera calibration by assuming it is captured in the linear and offset perturbations; under this assumption, the remaining cubic-spline smooth perturbations capture the true plant motion.

Removing linear and offset perturbations is as simple as removing their contributions to \(K^*\) in yesterday's equation for the mean of the predictive distribution.


reverse = false(1,num_tracks);
reverse([1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 15]) = true;
% error above, should omit 11:
% reverse([1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 14 15]) = true;
exp_2013_08_16_visualize_smooth_perturbations( ...
        test_Corrs_ll_2, ...
        retraining_results{3},  ...
        3, axis_, el, az, num_views,  ...
        '/Users/ksimek/src/research_blog/img/2013-08-16-ou-model-smooth-%d.png', ...
        '/ksimek/research/img/2013-08-16-ou-model-smooth-%d.png', ...
        'ou-reconstruct-smooth-anim', reverse)


OU-Perturb Model

It's notable that the little curves at the top don't move. Attaching them to the large main step will allow them to move, which should improve ML.

It should also significantly affect training if we train with attachments in place. Perturb_position_variance should be responsible for less of the variance, and perturb_smoothing_variance should explain more.




Posted by Kyle Simek
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