Finished editing new likelihood function. See correspondence/clean_correspondence3.m
(filename likely to change soon). Below is a summary of results and comparison to the old approach.
Below is a plot of the maximum likelihood curves:
Each colored curve arises from a single 2D data curve. The curve represents the mean of a gaussian process. Variance is not shown; it is infinite in the direction of backprojection.
The dark-blue curve is an estimate of the posterior curve, which was used to backproject the 2D curves against. It is estimated from the point-correspondences.
Note that for clarity, x/y scale is significantly smaller than z-scale (up-direction). When axis are equally-scaled, max-likelihood curves lie very close the to blue curve.
The old likelihood suffered from a small but non-negligible number of awful correspondences, which severely damaged both reconstruction and marginal likelihood values. This was because the likelihood was derived from the point-to-point correspondences, which (a) is problematic at gaps, and (b) suffer bad correspondences which can't be fixed later. The new approach uses the old approach as a starting point, but then recomputes all 2D curve correspondences against a rough reconstruction. This dramatically improves correspondences as we see below.
This is the old correspondence. Blue points are points from the 2D data curve; the teal line is the posterior 3D curve (projected to 2D); red lines show correspondences.
Next is the fixed correspondence. Notice how the red correspondence lines are much shorter, indicating a less costly correspondence.
The old likelihood had a single GP curve that represented all of the different views. Now we have a GP curve per data-curve, which will be related by a GP prior.
This will allow us to simultaneously track and triangulate, a key novelty to this approach. More importantly, it will give us higher marginal likelihood numbers for true 3D curve observations, because we can make the independent noise component very small.
, to avoid a full DTW after every merge.